Wednesday, May 4, 2011

So begins a long journey in what I really want to do with my life!

So last weekend I went to Sarasota to see Vanessa Del Rey final thesis at Ringling College of Art and Design. Now to say that I had a religious experience is an understatement.
I went to the Ringling thesis last year to see the thesis's of Chez Gomez, Keyla Valerio andVicki Price. Both shows were amazing, but this recent show in particular was a whole lot more personal. You see, Vanessa had decided to illustrate one of my stories for her thesis. When she told me this, even though it was against the thesis process, she did it anyway. She's very determined when she want's something. So when she finally finished up for thesis I couldn't wait to see what she had done.
When I got there I was amazed at the kind of talent is coming out of that school. Ringling is the equivalent to a Ninja Dojo. The best of the best go to this school and when they get out. It's hard to properly describe how fucking mind boggling, jaw droopingly, absolutely gob smacked, sucked through worm hole and vomited in a universe made of beer sprinklers and nicotine laden kitties, amazing these artists are. On top of the fact that one of these "divine" artist wanted to do a piece I wrote. I know that it was just a school project and I know it's not published work, but it was just what I needed to give purpose to my endless ramblings and yarns that I spin.
I have to admit seeing the Consuming Pleasure pages hung on the wall and the books being given away. I couldn't be in a more perfect place and in a more perfect state of mind.
The best thing about all of this.
It's only the beginning.
So please check out the master herself Vanessa R. Del Rey @
Oh and I forgot to add enjoy Ms. Del Rey's thesis

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